Food Policy
“Our Sages taught: One may not buy wool, milk or kids from shepherds, nor may one buy wood or fruit from the watchman of orchards...In all cases in which the seller asks that the goods be hidden, it is forbidden.”
Mishnah, Masekhet Bava Kama 10:9
Jewish tradition urges us to keep a healthy skepticism about the sourcing of our goods and strive for ethical consumption. JIFA is ready to work with your community to help you establish your own values-based food practices.
Establish a policy
Through our DefaultVeg and Leadership Circle programs, JIFA provides resources to support buying more humane and sustainable products, and establishing long-term commitments to ethical food with institutional policies.

JIFA Leadership Circle
The JIFA Leadership Circle supports institutions — synagogues, Hillels, camps, JCCs, schools, food service and catering companies — to align the food they offer with their institutional values and promote a more ethical and sustainable food system. With a focus on reducing and replacing industrial dairy, meat, and eggs, JIFA provides a tailored approach to working with Jewish institutions and offers hands-on consulting, free of charge.