Picture of Rabbi Aryeh Bernstein

Rabbi Aryeh Bernstein

Aryeh Bernstein lives in Chicago and is a veteran Torah educator, especially in social justice frameworks. In addition to his role with the Jewish Initiative for Animals, he is the Director of Chicago Avodah Justice Fellowship. He is an Educational Consultant to the Jewish Council on Urban Affairs, Coordinator of Mishkan Chicago's Social Justice Beit Midrash, Founding Director of the Hyde Park Teen Beit Midrash, and a Senior Editor of Jewschool.com. He has taught at Hadar, Drisha, and communities and campuses around the country and Israel and has studied at Columbia University, JTS, YU, YCT, and, for seven years, at Yeshivat Maale Gilboa.

All blogs by Rabbi Aryeh Bernstein

Making Sense of Hanukkah’s Dairy Tradition

Whether it’s latkes, sufganiyot, keftes (fried vegetable patties), or sfenj (North African doughnuts), Jews from all backgrounds can come together around a central culinary trend for Hanukkah: deep-fried foods, full of oil aplenty, to honor the Hanukkah miracle of the Temple’s long-burning oil. It may come as a surprise to many, then, that a different Hanukkah menu is recorded in the most central code of Jewish law.

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