Picture of Ilana Braverman, M.S.

Ilana Braverman, M.S.

Ilana currently co-directs the nonprofit, Greener By Default. Her work with JIFA includes consulting with Jewish communities to help them align their food choices with their Jewish values by making plant-based options the default choice. Ilana holds a master's degree in Animals and Public Policy from the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University and a bachelor's degree in Environmental Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. She previously served as Director of Outreach for Farm Forward and program assistant at JIFA.

All blogs by Ilana Braverman, M.S.

Why Plant-Based Products are Going Kosher—and Where to Find Them

Serving all or primarily kosher plant-based meals allows institutions to adhere to their kashrut policy, and to articulate Jewish values-based foundations of their practice…And planning events this way by default is not only inclusive of community members with diverse dietary needs and preferences—it helps establish a more sustainable way of eating as the new norm.

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